Monday, January 21, 2019

SO B. IT by Sarah Weeks

Realistic Fiction, Mentally Disabled, Identity, Mothers and Daughters, Conduct of Life, Hero's Journey

245 pages.

"Twelve-year-old Heidi It and her severely mentally disabled mother survive through a combination of good luck and their next-door neighbor's loving attention. An undeveloped roll of old film leads Heidi to embark alone on a risky cross-country quest to answer questions about Mama's past. Narrator Heidi's realistic voice lends authenticity to her unusual circumstances." (Horn Book)

My Comments
A compelling page turner. Perfect for grades 5-6-7. Heidi is a brave girl who is seeking the truth about her mother's past. She is often frightened and lonely on her incredible journey across country, but her courage and help from kind strangers sees her through. Beautiful and riveting to the end.

Read the sequel: Soof

"In this stand-alone follow-up to Sarah Weeks's beloved So B. It, a girl who the world might see as weird finds her footing and stands her ground.
All her life, Aurora has heard stories about Heidi and all the good luck she brought Aurora's family. Aurora, though, doesn't feel very lucky. The kids at school think she's weird. And she's starting to think her mom thinks she's weird, too. Especially compared to Heidi.

On the eve of a visit from Heidi, more bad luck hits Aurora's family. There's a fire in their attic, destroying a good part of their house. And, even worse, Aurora's beloved dog goes missing. Aurora and her family have always believed in soof -- Heidi's mom's word for love. But sometimes even when soof is right there in front of you, you still need to find it -- and that's exactly what Aurora is going to do." (The Publisher)

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