Monday, March 11, 2019

THE ISLAND OF DR. LIBRIS by Chris Grabenstein

Mystery, Adventure

From the Publisher
Twelve-year-old Billy Gillfoyle discovers that an island in the middle of the lake where he is spending the summer is the testing grounds of the mysterious Dr. Libris, who may have invented a way to make the characters in books come alive.

What if your favorite characters came to life? Billy's spending the summer in a lakeside cabin that belongs to the mysterious Dr. Libris. But something strange is going on. Besides the security cameras everywhere, there's Dr. Libris's private bookcase. Whenever Billy opens the books inside, he can hear sounds coming from the island in the middle of the lake. The clash of swords. The twang of arrows. Sometimes he can even feel the ground shaking. It's almost as if the stories he's reading are coming to life! But that's impossible . . . isn't it?

My Comments
Fabulous, fabulous! Great imagination! This book will appeal to a wide grade range from elementary through at least 7th grade. I love the way Grabenstein uses the story as a jump off to recommend great classics at the end. Grades 4-7

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