Wednesday, February 21, 2024

REZ DOGS by Joseph Bruchac


Rez Dogs by Joseph Bruchac

Realistic Fiction, Native Americans, Abenaki Indians, COVID-19, Dogs, Grandparents, Novels in Verse

2021;184 pages


Horn Book Magazine (September/October, 2021)
In this verse novel, Malian, a Penacook girl, is visiting her grandparents on the Penacook reservation when shelter-in-place orders are given due to COVID-19. Malian misses her parents and friends, but she spends time with a dog that has mysteriously appeared, and she enjoys listening to her grandparents' retellings of traditional stories. They also tell her about some of the more difficult parts of their history that have affected their nation, such as boarding schools and forced sterilizations, all touched on by Bruchac (Peacemaker, rev. 7/21) in an accessible and age-appropriate way. Ultimately, Malian's grandparents remind her that their people have survived pandemics before, through caring for one another. Young readers will be able to understand Malian's situation, including technological struggles in connecting to her remote classroom. The book's ending -- in which Malian waits eagerly but with mixed emotions for her parents to pick her up -- raises relatable questions of home, friendship, and belonging. Nicholl Denice Montgomery September/October 2021 p.90

My Comments

Upper elementary-middle school. A gentle story that keeps moving despite the quiet life on the Reservation during COVID. The grandparents' stories, the dog, remote school, and Malian's Penacook friends add richness to this deceptively simple book. This is the kind of story that stays with you.

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