"Seventeen-year-old Richie Perry, just out of his Harlem high school, enlists in the Army in the summer of 1967 and spends a devastating year on active duty in Vietnam."
This is so good, astounding actually, a modern day All Quiet on the Western Front. Myers is a master of dialogue and plot. The characters are real and complex. The action is breathtaking. The questions of morality are not presented in black and white, except for the atrocities of war and the value of friendship. Often I have students who ask for war books. This should be top on the list.Walter Dean Myers
This is so good, astounding actually, a modern day All Quiet on the Western Front. Myers is a master of dialogue and plot. The characters are real and complex. The action is breathtaking. The questions of morality are not presented in black and white, except for the atrocities of war and the value of friendship. Often I have students who ask for war books. This should be top on the list.Walter Dean Myers