Twisted was recommended to me by a student who read it in one night. I did the same. Another well written, thoughtful, on the edge of your seat work by Anderson. In my book, she's batting a perfect score - every single one of her books is a winner.
Hello! I am a middle-high school librarian in New York. These book entries serve as a reading diary and an easy reference for teachers and students. They are not necessarily new titles, but ones I see my students reading, support the curriculum, or others that merely catch my attention. Please check out the sidebar for more lists. Book summaries are given credit. Comments in the entries are my own. Eleanor Funk Schuster
I love this book!
This book has been very popular with some of my reluctant readers. I can't seem to keep track of my copy that I let students borrow, and our school library has a waiting list for it. I, too, am a huge fan of Laurie Halse Anderson.
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